Architectural Co-LOD Generation
DescriptionManaging the level-of-detail (LOD) in architectural models is crucial yet challenging, particularly for effective representation and visualization of buildings. Traditional approaches often fail to deliver controllable detail alongside semantic consistency, especially when dealing with noisy and inconsistent inputs. We address these limitations with Co-LOD, a new approach specifically designed for effective LOD management in architectural modeling. Co-LOD employs shape co-analysis to standardize geometric structures across multiple buildings, facilitating the progressive and consistent generation of LODs. This method allows for precise detailing in both individual models and model collections, ensuring semantic integrity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Co-LOD effectively applies accurate LOD across a variety of architectural inputs, consistently delivering superior detail and quality in LOD representations.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 3 December 20249:00am - 12:00pm JST
LocationHall C, C Block, Level 4
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