SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024、東京
五十嵐 健夫
村井 純
慶應義塾大学 特別招聘教授 WIDEプロジェクト発起人
1987年慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科コンピュータサイエンス専攻博士課程修了。 村井純はJUNET(複数の大学を結ぶ日本初のネットワーク)とWIDEプロジェクト(日本のインターネット研究コンソーシアム)の創設者である。 インターネット・テクノロジー・プラットフォームに関する研究に長年携わり、「日本のインターネットの父」、国際的には「インターネット・サムライ」として知られている。
ジョー・レッテリは、Wētā FXのシニア視覚効果スーパーバイザーとして、アカデミー視覚効果賞を5度受賞している:ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/二つの塔」、「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還」、「アバター/水の道」に続く受賞である:ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/二つの塔』、『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還』、『キング・コング』に続く受賞である。
“FORUM8 has been Platinum Sponsor at Representatives SIGGRAPH Asia since 2015. What keeps us coming back is the atmosphere at the event. It’s always busy and the people are definitely our target market. If you are in this business, whether it’s digital technologies, movie making, animation to interactive techniques, everything is here – your target market is here. So, it’s a wonderful opportunity that you should not miss!”
Anita Byrnes
Director, FORUM8 Au Pty Ltd“SIGGRAPH Asia was a great launching pad for our new AI product called Projectal. We received enormous attention at our booth and the quality of visitors was just what we needed. We have tons of follow-ups now!”
Paul Schumann
CEO, JanusKS Pty. Ltd.“At SIGGRAPH Asia, it has been amazing to connect with researchers, students, and professionals from all over the world, to learn from each other, and collaborate on future projects.”
Will Ramey
Senior Director, NVIDIA“Great event where customers with diverse needs can come to see the latest trends!”
Daeun Jeon
Amazon Web Services“Wonderful place to meet with the experts of computer graphics.”
Orestis Konstantinidis
Product Designer, Roblox“SIGGRAPH Asia is one amazing conference that caters to every interest of our industry when it comes to arts, animation, innovations, new technologies as well as social platform. I highly encourage everyone to join the next leg. Thank you SIGGRAPH Asia for a wonderful experience.”
March Jerome Oanzon
Sr. 3D Artist/Multimedia, Live Events and Digital Media Corp“SIGGRAPH Asia is the place to learn, network, and be inspired about everything in the computer graphics industry. You will also make lifelong friendships here and every year traveling to different countries gives attendees a unique cultural experience beyond industry talks and exhibitions.”
Shuyi Yang
Carleton University“I am so impressed and grateful to the organizers for their remarkable accomplishment of bringing together a seamless and impactful SIGGRAPH Asia. It was a beautifully curated collection of creativity and technology, which was very much needed in this current situation. The event fulfilled beyond my hopes the goal of bringing to the forefront the incredible work done across the world that would have otherwise been hidden underneath today’s noise. Thank you, SIGGRAPH Asia!”
Matt Omernick
Co-Founder – Chief Creative Officer, Akili Interactive会場
東京 100-0005, 日本