Thermochromorph: Dynamic Relief Printing with Thermochromic Inks
DescriptionThermochromorph is a novel relief printing technique that produces multicolored images that transition into each other through changes in temperature. Our process utilizes two sets of CMYK thermochromic inks that exhibit complementary color-changing behaviors: one shifting from color to transparency, the other from transparency to color at the same activation temperature. We describe our printmaking workflow, provide an open-source software toolkit, showcase prints made with our system, and facilitate an artist workshop. By incorporating new materials and technology with the rich history of printmaking, our work extends the expressive capabilities of relief printing as the medium continues to evolve.
Event Type
Art Papers
TimeWednesday, 4 December 20245:00pm - 5:12pm JST
LocationG405, G Block, Level 4
Registration Categories
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