Nonlinear Ray Tracing for Displacement and Shell Mapping
DescriptionDisplacement mapping and shell mapping add fine-scale geometric features to meshes and can significantly enhance the realism of an object's surface representation. Both methods generate geometry within a layer between a base mesh and its offset mesh called a shell. It is not easy to simultaneously achieve high ray tracing performance, low memory consumption, interactive feedback, and ease of implementation, partly because the mapping between shell and texture space is nonlinear. This paper introduces a new efficient approach to perform acceleration structure traversal and intersection tests against micro-triangles entirely in texture space by formulating nonlinear rays as degree-2 rational functions. Our method simplifies the implementation of tessellation-free displacement mapping and smooth shell mapping and works even if base mesh triangles degenerate in UV space.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeFriday, 15 December 20239:50am - 10:00am
LocationMeeting Room C4.8, Level 4 (Convention Centre)
Registration Categories