Stable Discrete Bending by Analytic Eigensystem and Adaptive Orthotropic Geometric Stiffness
DescriptionIn this paper, we address two limitations of dihedral angle based discrete bending (DAB) models, i.e. the indefiniteness of their energy Hessian and their vulnerability to geometry degeneracies. To tackle the indefiniteness issue, we present novel analytic expressions for the eigensystem of a DAB energy Hessian. Our expressions reveal that DAB models typically have positive, negative, and zero eigenvalues, with four of each, respectively. By using these expressions, we can efficiently project an indefinite DAB energy Hessian as positive semi-definite analytically. To enhance the stability of DAB models at degenerate geometries, we propose rectifying their indefinite geometric stiffness matrix by using orthotropic geometric stiffness matrices with adaptive parameters calculated from our analytic eigensystem. Among the twelve motion modes of a dihedral element, our resulting Hessian for DAB models retains only the desirable bending modes, compared to the undesirable altitude-changing modes of the exact Hessian with original geometric stiffness, all modes of the Gauss-Newton approximation without geometric stiffness, and none modes of the projected Hessians with inappropriate geometric stiffness. Additionally, we suggest adjusting the compression stiffness according to the Kirchhoff-Love thin plate theory to avoid over-compression. Our method not only ensures the positive semi-definiteness but also avoids instability caused by large bending forces at degenerate geometries. To demonstrate the benefit of our approaches, we show comparisons against existing methods on the simulation of cloth and thin plates in challenging examples.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 12 December 20232:30pm - 2:45pm
LocationMeeting Room C4.9+C4.10, Level 4 (Convention Centre)
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