Style-NeRF2NeRF: 3D Style Transfer from Style-Aligned Multi-View Images
DescriptionWe propose a simple yet effective pipeline for stylizing a 3D scene, harnessing the power of 2D image diffusion models. Given a NeRF model reconstructed from a set of multi-view images, we perform 3D style transfer by refining the source NeRF model using stylized images generated by a style-aligned image-to-image diffusion model.
Given a target style prompt, we first generate perceptually similar multi-view images by leveraging a depth-conditioned diffusion model with an attention-sharing mechanism. Next, based on the stylized multi-view images, we propose to guide the style transfer process with the sliced Wasserstein loss based on the feature maps extracted from a pre-trained CNN model.
Our pipeline consists of decoupled steps, allowing users to test various prompt ideas and preview the stylized 3D result before proceeding to the NeRF fine-tuning stage.
We demonstrate that our method can transfer diverse artistic styles to real-world 3D scenes with competitive quality.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 3 December 20249:00am - 12:00pm JST
LocationHall C, C Block, Level 4
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