Large Étendue 3D Holographic Display with Content-adaptive Dynamic Fourier Modulation
DescriptionEmerging holographic display technology offers unique capabilities for next-generation virtual reality systems. Current holographic near-eye displays, however, only support a small etendue, which results in a direct tradeoff between achievable field of view and eyebox size. Etendue expansion has recently been explored, but existing approaches are either fundamentally limited in the image quality that can be achieved or they require extremely high-speed spatial light modulators. We describe a new etendue expansion approach that combines multiple coherent sources with content-adaptive amplitude modulation of the hologram spectrum in the Fourier plane. To generate time-multiplexed phase and amplitude patterns for our spatial light modulators, we devise a pupil-aware gradient-descent-based computer-generated holography algorithm that is supervised by a large-baseline target light field. Compared with relevant baseline approaches, ours demonstrates significant improvements in image quality and etendue in simulation and with an experimental holographic display prototype.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 3 December 20249:00am - 12:00pm JST
LocationHall C, C Block, Level 4
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