Tune-It: Optimizing Wire Reconfiguration for Sculpture Manufacturing
DescriptionWire sculptures are important in both industrial applications and daily life. We introduce a novel fabrication strategy for wire sculptures with complex geometries by tuning the target shape to a collision-free shape for the wire-bending machine and then bending it back to the target by a human. The key challenge lies in tuning the least number of bending points, which is formulated as an "Optimizing Wire Reconfiguration" problem. We first fit the input target wire with consecutive line segments and circular segments to ensure the bending manufacturing constraints for each segment, then generate tuned wire through a bilevel optimization. This involves selecting the bending points at the upper level with a beam search strategy and determining the specifically tuned angles at the lower level. We perform a thorough physical evaluation using a DIY wire-bending machine. The results show the effectiveness of our proposed approach in realizing a wide range of intricate and complex wire sculptures.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 3 December 20249:00am - 12:00pm JST
LocationHall C, C Block, Level 4
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