COMFI: A Calibrated Observer Metameric Failure Index for Color Critical Tasks
DescriptionIn imaging, various tasks require a comparison of images between displays with different emission spectra. Even if the displays are calibrated and predicted to match using traditional colorimetry, individual differences in color perception of observers can cause colors on two displays to appear mismatched. This phenomenon, known as observer metameric failure, can cause problems at different stages of content production when multiple decision makers have to approve the image. In this paper, a new Calibrated Observer Metamerism Failure Index (COMFI) is proposed for use in such cases to predict the possibility of observer metameric failure.

COMFI was designed to predict the amount of disagreement about color matching quality that can be expected from a group of expert viewers evaluating colors on two displays with different spectra. To that end, an experiment was conducted with the goal of estimating the amount of observer disagreement caused by observer metameric failure. Data from the experiment was used to drive the parameters of COMFI and to ensure its predictions relate closely to the real world experience of observer metameric failure.
Event Type
Technical Papers
TimeTuesday, 3 December 20244:30pm - 4:41pm JST
LocationHall B7 (1), B Block, Level 7
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