The Strange Case of the Human Cannonball
Description"The Strange Case of the Human Cannonball" is an Ecuadorian animated short film that uses Unreal Engine as a real-time rendering tool, pushing the boundaries of animation technology in the region. The story revolves around a small, walled-off village inhabited by five residents. One morning, they discover a mysterious man lying unconscious in the town square. No one knows who he is or where he came from, and the villagers must decide what to do before the stranger wakes up.

As they debate, fear, prejudice, and suspicion arise, leading to a reflection on how societies react to unexpected outsiders. The film explores the fear and mistrust that often surrounds migrants and the challenges they face when forced to leave their homes and enter new communities.

At its core, "The Strange Case of the Human Cannonball" serves as a social commentary on migration and xenophobia. Through its unique narrative, the film sparks meaningful conversations about the human condition and the complexities of migration, offering the SIGGRAPH Asia community a thought-provoking and visually engaging animated story.
Event Type
Computer Animation Festival
TimeThursday, 5 December 20244:00pm - 6:00pm JST
LocationHall C, C Block, Level 4
Registration Categories
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