Don't Feed the Unicorn
DescriptionIn our animated short film, Don't Feed the Unicorn, we explore themes of curiosity and consequence through a whimsical narrative set in a mystical forest. The story follows Junior, a young troll who, despite his father's warnings, feeds a wild unicorn, leading to a series of unexpected events that blend humor with tension.

This film showcases several innovations in animation techniques and storytelling. Utilizing advanced 3D modeling and rigging methods, we brought our characters to life with expressive movements and nuanced interactions. Our trolls and unicorn's designs features dynamic hair, fur, and vibrant colors, creating a striking visual contrast against the lush, enchanted forest backdrop. Our use of lighting and 2D effects enhances the magical atmosphere, immersing the audience in Junior’s adventurous world.

The narrative structure employs a unique blend of suspense and comedy, engaging viewers while imparting a moral lesson about the importance of heeding warnings. The film’s climax features a thrilling chase sequence, demonstrating our commitment to high-quality animation and storytelling.

We are proud to contribute to the SIGGRAPH Asia community by showcasing our technical skills and creative vision. Don't Feed the Unicorn aims to entertain and invites discussions on artistic and technical advancements in animation. We believe our film represents a fusion of traditional storytelling with modern animation techniques, making it a valuable addition to the diverse landscape of animated works featured at the conference.
Event Type
Computer Animation Festival
TimeFriday, 6 December 20249:00am - 6:00pm JST
LocationG404, G Block, Level 4
Registration Categories