Speaker Preparation

If you are presenting at SIGGRAPH Asia, here is where you can access all the necessary information to ensure a seamless experience upon your arrival. All our services are provided to SIGGRAPH Asia presenters at no cost.
In the Speaker Preparation Room, you can test your presentation and make sure that your software versions are compatible with the versions in the session rooms and find out if you have all the necessary fonts, CODECS, or linked images to make your presentation work the way you expect it to.
Do note that there will not be any uploading of slides through the Speaker Preparation Centre. This space is provided for you to prepare your slides and practice your presentation.
Access is complimentary for basic functionality such as finalising any last-minute changes to presentations.
Please note that, as this is a shared service amongst presenters, availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, all presenters are encouraged to plan ahead of your presentation time.
If you have questions, please email them to: speaker-preparation_asia@siggraph.org

Opening hours:

Date/Time:     3 – 6 December 2024, 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Location:          G403 (Speaker Preparation Room), Tokyo International Forum

Speaker Practice Rooms

A Speaker Practice Session Room will be available as well. The Speaker Practice Session will be available as a service of the Speaker Preparation Room. The rehearsal rooms work on a first in first served basis, no bookings can be made prior.
If you have questions, please email them to: speaker-preparation_asia@siggraph.org

Speaker Practice Session

Date/Time:    3 – 6 December 2024, 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Location:         G406 (Speaker Practice Session), Tokyo International Forum